Night Phoenix Press: The New Home
for Great Comics
Night Phoenix Press was created in 2006 publishing our first "Night Phoenix" and "Epitaph" books. Unsatisfied by the poor production on the full color superhero and black and white urban fantasy comics, writer and creator Nathyn Brendan Masters had the Epitaph series retooled and redrawn in 2009. Now sold as "Epitaph: Beginning of the End", but discontinued publishing as he began producing movies for Youtube.
We finally got going again back in 2013, with the "Epitaph: Bread and Salt" movie and finally a remastering of all the Epitaph books in 2017 coming under the title "Epitaph: Bread and Salt".
Night Phoenix Press publishes Sci-Fi, Supernatural and Superhero comic books and Role Playing Material for our Role Playing Game "Blastback".​
Night Phoenix Press has gotten off to a good start offering physical copies of our comics through our webstore, digital versions for Kindle via Amazon and comixology and offering merch and inexpensive drawing papers through our eBay shops. Scroll down to see our social media.